Why SoftPOS

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Traditionally POS devices have always been hardware-centric. If you go 20-30 years back, you can remember the large size and heavy POS hardware devices in merchant locations with dial-up modems, lengthy power cables, and large printers.

How Kernel-On-The-Cloud Simplifies POS Ownership

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Cloud technologies meet security requirements needed for payment transactions and offer unlimited memory and scalable processing and performance capabilities. Both of these items offer a great opportunity to eliminate the need for having a POS hardware to accept a payment from a card.

EMV kernels with cloud technology: 28 most important questions

EMV kernels

In recognition that new type of devices are designed such as Cloud based solution or Merchant Server Solution and therefore application kernels are split over multiple devices, EMVCo has revised its type approval testing process to accommodate Split Application Kernel test submission.

How Cloud Kernel Enables A Cross-Platform Solution

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Think about a merchant who wants to use various devices to take the payment. For example, merchant may want to use mobile phone, tablet, desktop PC or a stand-alone POS terminal to take payment. And merchant wants to have the same user experience across all these devices. And merchant wants to be able to monitor the transactions from a central platform regardless of which device is used to take the payment

How To Have An Efficient And Smooth EMV L3 Certification Process

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In today’s payment world, EMV Level 3(L3) certification is one of the most challenging and time-consuming processes for acquirers and terminal vendors. A typical L3 certification process for major brands (MasterCard, Visa, Amex, and Discover) takes between 3 and 6 months. In this article, we will analyze the reasons making the process so challenging and time-consuming and figure out how this process can be managed more efficiently and smoothly.

How To Troubleshoot EMV Field Issues Better

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Although EMV technology brings a lot of advantages, one side effect with it is the increasing number of field issues and complications of management of them. The field issue means that there is something unusual during an EMV contact/contactless transaction which may potentially be the reason for a transaction decline or negative user experience. Field issues may be on a wide range, from a simple incorrect message on the terminal screen, a frozen terminal screen, card reading issues, delay in the transaction time, or frequent declines of transactions.

Are There Any Obstacles To Accept Payments On Mobile Phones

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So far, there have been 2 main obstacles for smartphones to accept card-present payment transactions in retail locations :

1. Security on the PIN entry on the phone

2. The necessity for additional hardware to read EMV chip transactions.