EMV L3 Certification Services

Fairbit’s experienced team helps you to achieve EMV L3 certification for your traditional POS, mPOS and SoftPOS projects. 


Experienced L3
Certification Team

EMV L3 certification is one of the most important milestones to get your POS terminal or SoftPOS application into the market. Most POS solution providers don’t have enough resources and expertise to carry out this process in an efficient way. It requires not only EMV expertise, but also specific EMV L3 certification expertise as well. Knowing specific conditions in the testing is crucial to complete the certification quickly. It is utmost important to know brand requirements on the card, terminal and authorization messages to get the certification to complete quickly. Good project management skills and consistent communication with acquirers/processors are important factors as well.

EMV L3 Certification
Scope Definition

Defining the scope of the project is the first step of an EMV L3 certification. Fairbit team helps filling intake forms based on the scope. Fairbit team takes active role in working with acquirer/processor to define the scope. The scope may include core EMV functionalities as well as additional ones like e-commerce, MOTO, surcharge, PINless debit and more. During the scope discussion, it is agreed with acquirer/processor the method of integration to their host (real host or simulator) and testing tools to be used.

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Acquirer Host
Integration and Testing

Acquirer host integration is the next step after defining the scope. This integration may require some changes on POS application and on the payment gateway. Fairbit team helps POS solution provider to figure out what should be developed. The team analyzes the acquirer host specs, and make a gap analysis if the POS solution provider already is integrated to the acquirer.

Fairbit team uses the test cards and test scripts provided by acquirer/processor to carry out host testing. The main goal of these tests is to ensure the authorization messages go in the right format to the acquirer. Fairbit team creates a Test Result document to get the acquirer/processor to validate and approve them.

Brand Testing and Certification

Brand testing is the most important and time-consuming process for the certification. Fairbit uses the one of the approved EMV L3 testing tool to perform tests. Fairbit team’s EMV and L3 expertise helps to achieve these tests as quick as possible. When a failure in one test case occurs, the team makes an analysis on the case and informs the parties (acquirer, POS solution provider or brands if needed) about the case. Fairbit technical EMV experts are involved in discussion with parties to bring a quick and efficient solution the the problem.

project management

Project Management

Fairbit assigns technical project manager to the certification project. Project manager may attend weekly calls with POS solution provider and acquirer/processor. Project manager manages the risk and communication of the project and shares project management reports periodically. If needed, project manager can talk with payment brands to clarify issues or to help getting waivers/exceptions for certain test cases.

EMV L3 Certification for SoftPOS

SoftPOS projects may have certain conditions and test cases different than traditional POS terminals. Fairbit can perform EMV L3 certification not only for vendors using the Fairbit SoftPos solutions but for other vendors too. However, using SoftPos solution from Fairbit will definitely expedite the process as Fairbit will be performing the certification with the solution it developed. Fairbit can perform the certification for Apple Tap to Phone on iPhone Solution as well. A POS solution provider may be using Apple Tap to Phone on iPhone Solution for Apple phones and Fairbit SoftPos solution for Android. The vendor will be likely using the same POS application for both SoftPos solution. In this project, Fairbit can perform the EMV L3 certification for Android and iPhone as parallel which will help POS solution providers to go to market very quickly.
