Hardware Agnostic POS Platform with Cloud Kernel


Increasing Merchant Needs for POS Hardware Providing a variety of hardware options to cater to different merchant needs is essential for a well-rounded and successful POS platform. Merchants can vary significantly in terms of their size, business verticals, mobility requirements, and other factors. POS platforms should support a wide range of hardware form factors, such […]

Extended TVR : Real Time Detection of Transaction Issues 


Extended TVR helps you to find out transaction issues in a short time for your POS terminals. POS systems are getting more complicated each day. There are many EMV kernels, new use cases (i.e tap to phone) and new form factors (i.e tablets, card readers, and phones) contributing to this complexity. With all these advancements, […]

EMV cloud kernel offers enormous advantages for SoftPOS

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Do you know the Fairbit SoftPOS solution can support additional card brands without changing the SoftPOS app on the mobile phone? Do you know you can change contactless CVM limits without pushing these parameters to the mobile phone? Do you know you can integrate different kinds of hardware devices to the same EMV cloud service […]

How Kernel-On-The-Cloud Simplifies POS Ownership

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Cloud technologies meet security requirements needed for payment transactions and offer unlimited memory and scalable processing and performance capabilities. Both of these items offer a great opportunity to eliminate the need for having a POS hardware to accept a payment from a card.

EMV kernels with cloud technology: 28 most important questions

EMV kernels

In recognition that new type of devices are designed such as Cloud based solution or Merchant Server Solution and therefore application kernels are split over multiple devices, EMVCo has revised its type approval testing process to accommodate Split Application Kernel test submission.