How to Optimize EMV L3 Certification

EMV L3 Certification, a Major Challenge Failing to complete EMV L3 certification can indeed have significant consequences for payment companies : Delayed time to market, loss of customers, reputational damage and competitive disadvantage are just a few to count. Why EMV L3 ? EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) Level 3 (L3) certification is a critical […]
How to Achieve EMV Level 3 Certification Quickly

EMV Level 3 Certification, a Pain Point for POS Vendors and Acquirers EMV Level 3 certification is a mandatory requirement for any payment acceptance device. Once device hardware is certified for EMV L1 and L2, then it should go through EMV Level 3 certification for each card brand. And this certification should be repeated for […]
How To Have An Efficient And Smooth EMV L3 Certification Process

In today’s payment world, EMV Level 3(L3) certification is one of the most challenging and time-consuming processes for acquirers and terminal vendors. A typical L3 certification process for major brands (MasterCard, Visa, Amex, and Discover) takes between 3 and 6 months. In this article, we will analyze the reasons making the process so challenging and time-consuming and figure out how this process can be managed more efficiently and smoothly.